Going through her things, they came upon a note.
It said: I’d kill for a cigarette, or half an hour of sleep.

The species had evolved a highly athletic technique of depositing, almost contemptuously, startlingly vivid droppings on vertical surfaces.

51/49, 50% of the time.

He had developed a theory of literature based on cockney rhyming slang. His final work was entitled “Gertrude,” but the book contained no person or thing of that name.

The symbol of the cross, which refers to the indivisible nature of the spirit and the incarnate existence it is nailed to.

Time passed. Oh, how it passed.

Notes, 4 am
1) the past is a hallucination
2) worst possible combination: eternal life, no god

Every night you pray for their protection. You pray for their protection from you.

As he struggled up to greet me, even with his belt cinched so tightly it nearly cut him in half, his pants fell down. They had nothing to hold onto. To this day I remember the look on his face. Apologetic; afraid he’d embarrassed me.

You’re less a quantifiable entity than a loosely tethered association of wave particles in a shared location.

In the days before Christmas we got tired of having no money. We sold everything at a loss, took the cash and headed south.

You spy your father at the Whole Foods, sitting on a lawn chair under a tree. When you ride by hours later, he is still there, chatting with the parking lot attendant. A regular. When did he become the old guy in the baseball cap, talking to anyone who will listen? And what did you think he did with his days?
Not lonely, after all. Brave.

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