The next level in luxury, disease-free living.
When she was little and saw something she liked, she would simply say, “Have it.” And although I know that you, despite this happiness, would rather die than go back, I’d give everything I have to hear it one more time.
I keep thinking we might be able to reverse-engineer this whole fucking disaster.
You’re less a quantifiable entity than a loosely tethered association of wave particles in a shared location.
Glimpsed in a reflection, he saw himself as he must look to the world: bewildered, as if expecting a final blow to the head.
This just in: internet preferable to all previous human endeavor.
2. Start over.
Be the love you never received.
Our lives flew by. Days piled up and were plowed under.
It’s difficult to reconcile the apparent stupidity of the individual Ramones with the conceptual audacity and intelligence of their collective practice.
Like many films of the period, it featured a sociopathic hero, a saintly villain and the default bloody Jackson Pollock ending.
You’ve won, we have no fight left, it’s your world, which is nothing, less than nothing, welcome to it.
He’d switched to decaffeinated coffee and non-alcoholic beer, but in such prodigious quantities that it was the same as before.
You droned on, demolishing in the space of a few hours any previous possibility you might have been deemed interesting.
One warm summer night when he was fifteen years old, he lit a cigarette on a dry hillside near San Bernadino, California. After all these years, he still couldn’t bear to confront the destruction caused by that simple thoughtless act—yet he did, unceasingly. How many times had he gone to bed hoping to not wake up? But dying wouldn’t help; he would need to have never been born.
Everything you think, feel, and say, compounded daily.
Route 73 roadkill, returned to earth after months as public spectacle, I salute you.
Wear as many clothes as possible, as often as possible. Avoid cameras, mirrors, and other reflective surfaces.
How could something so wonderful even come to exist?