Do NOT react.
Front view: almost acceptable. Side view: disaster.
She said, everything is barely.
The illusion of control is the source of untold human misery.
The collection exclusively featured images of mayhem and disaster.
Would I give up a lifetime for one more day with you? In a second.
The search for truth has led to delusion.
Sitting in this chair, trying to not piss anyone off.
Whenever he spoke you would inevitably hear a faint muttered “cunt” off in the distance.
We all have those rare friends who seem to generate an irresistable force field that draws people to them. I have the opposite power; my side of the room is always dependably empty and silent.
With age he bore an increasing air of anger and resentment, as if unconsciously expressing the collective protest of dying cells.
In the days before Christmas we got tired of having no money. We sold everything at a loss, took the cash and headed south.
With art, he said, it’s not the thing that’s the thing, it’s the thing behind the thing.
If lost, see where it leads.
He couldn’t take great prose. The thought of someone having written it was too exhausting.
I had always respected them, expecting nothing in return, which there wasn’t.
That year’s mingled scent of burnt coffee, jet fuel, lavatory disinfectant. Dismal at the time, now you’d give anything to have it back.