It took many years to understand how short a year is.

The next level in luxury, disease-free living.

The vastness of his inner desolation was grotesquely disproportionate to his worldly significance.

20 years on, he didn’t know whether he should break down sobbing or smother her with a pillow. Probably both. He felt that way about most of his patients and it had worn him down. He was drinking too much, losing sleep and had developed a pronounced limp. Physician, destroy thyself.

The warm cascade of neurotransmitters he received from making false promises dwarfed the inevitable damage to its recipients. That may even have been some of its appeal.

When agency people talk about Big Ideas, rest assured that none are coming.

Did you have a reason for each of these esthetic choices, other than “just for the hell of it?”
Fuck no.

Beneath the rage, fear
Beneath the fear, sadness
Beneath the sadness, love

God: I am that I am.
Popeye: I am what I am.

The seventies were shit; the eighties sucked ass; he barely remembered the nineties; and everything after 2000 was lost in a haze of self-loathing.
Things were looking up.

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