Attempting to escape the feeling is worse than the feeling itself.

The universe deposits money in our accounts every day, in the form of reality.

With a shocking lack of hesitation, she was gone. In an instant he was turned inside out, a pile of guts on the sidewalk.
It would have been a year in May, hey hey hey.

In this work I have struggled to maintain the proper tone of operatic self abnegation.

When I mentioned that even in the absence of an actual box, you could draw a box on the floor and your cat would sit in it, she burst into tears. I can’t stand it she said. That’s too sad. I don’t think that’s sad at all, I said. I think it’s miraculous.

It’s difficult to reconcile the apparent stupidity of the individual Ramones with the conceptual audacity and intelligence of their collective practice.

1) infinite entry points for any text, image or situation
2) when the mind’s conception of itself becomes unsafe

He still has the dream in which he’s continued working on his long-abandoned novel and only now, after all these years, realizes he will have to start over. He always wakes with a heaviness in his chest. It wasn’t until after his father died that he recognized the feeling. He’d always sensed life had a plan for him, and he’d been right. There just aren’t any words for it.

Self-involved, not entirely stupid, blind to your own deficiencies. You’ll do well.

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