It’s difficult to reconcile the apparent stupidity of the individual Ramones with the conceptual audacity and intelligence of their collective practice.

Compulsive thinking, fitful sleeping, and endless, endless trips to the bathroom.

After decades of sensible moderation, I packed it in and began drinking in earnest.

To feel the beauty in all of existence, but not in oneself.

Looking over your life’s work, you think how meager it turns out to be, and of your son, who regards it with disdain.

Thirty years after the loss of their son they still look for him in restaurants—the man at the corner table, laughing with his beautiful wife, waiting for someone to join them.

He still has the dream in which he’s continued working on his long-abandoned novel and only now, after all these years, realizes he will have to start over. He always wakes with a heaviness in his chest. It wasn’t until after his father died that he recognized the feeling. He’d always sensed life had a plan for him, and he’d been right. There just aren’t any words for it.

In times of upheaval, objects and beings are more stable resting on their balance points than on their bases.
Surf’s up.

Thank you for seeing me. I really think I’m un—
Wait—are you actually making fun of my voice?
Your choice of words. A bit maudlin and clichéd.
All words are clichés—that’s why they’re words, for fuck sake. I can’t believe I’m paying you 250 an hour—
And there it is—I wondered how long til you brought it up.

Premium vodka, biggest scam ever

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