Notes for a series of notes.

In the last year of his life, his work was monochromatic. Yellow, the color of his yearning.

How could something so wonderful even come to exist?

Be the sound, not the hearing
The breath, not the breathing
The wind…
Did that work for you?
For a while.

What would you do if you could go back in time?
Probably die of embarrassment.

Only through cat gifs can we subdue our fear of death.

Number one problem facing humanity: irony.

I’ve seen you puke a thousand times. All through the nineties when we went out drinking five nights a week—I can’t remember a single one that didn’t end with your chunks on my chucks.  Were you my friend? I put up with you. And now, ridiculously, you’re a republican. I demand reparations.

This is the only place on earth where I have final say.

Woke up this morning and nearly wept at how lifelike everything was. Picked up a handful of dirt and just looked at it. I picked it up for you.
Every day I wake up to eternity. Tell me if I should keep writing,

His dog had lost all respect for him, or could no longer stand his scent. Either way, oil spots on the driveway were of more interest to her, and on the rare occasions they occupied the same room, she abstained from meeting his eye.

Life lessons so far:
1) life
2) life

Bad day.
Wait it out.
Stay within yourself.
It’s a long season.

Compulsive thinking, fitful sleeping, and endless, endless trips to the bathroom.

The promise of the future has receded into the distant past.

Every night you experience something far stranger than any drug.

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