She was eager to talk about the most fascinating person she had ever met, herself.

He stopped seeing them after realizing their kindness came more from pity than affection or respect.

 She was rich in spirit, but mainly just rich.

She had hung on by a thread, but it was an unbreakable one.

Public servants selflessly dedicated to destroying as many lives as possible.

Other people presented an unflattering mirror.

2. Start over.

A feral hyena pack in a feeding frenzy, heads buried up to the neck in carcass of the New America.

Only through cat gifs can we subdue our fear of death.

Thank you for seeing me. I really think I’m un—
Wait—are you actually making fun of my voice?
Your choice of words. A bit maudlin and clichéd.
All words are clichés—that’s why they’re words, for fuck sake. I can’t believe I’m paying you 250 an hour—
And there it is—I wondered how long til you brought it up.

Could you be a little less oracular? It’s irritating AF.

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