Why did we try so hard, why did we care? We never learned to play the game. We didn’t even know there was a game.

Holding your breath and breathing at the same time. That’s no way to live.

Conveying the appearance of conveying a point of view.

He didn’t want to be that guy who didn’t want to be that guy.

In his bewilderment he slept on her side of the bed, with a gun under the pillow.

Looking for the few right words that will fix everything.
Maybe next time.

And then, gradually, fear becomes your way of life.

You spy your father at the Whole Foods, sitting on a lawn chair under a tree. When you ride by hours later, he is still there, chatting with the parking lot attendant. A regular. When did he become the old guy in the baseball cap, talking to anyone who will listen? And what did you think he did with his days?
Not lonely, after all. Brave.

Would I give up a lifetime for one more day with you? In a second.

Number one problem facing humanity: irony.

Figuratively speaking, he hit the windshield.
Figuratively speaking, it took weeks to clean him off.

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