Everything proceeded from an assumption of insufficiency.
He’d switched to decaffeinated coffee and non-alcoholic beer, but in such prodigious quantities that it was the same as before.
He told me that when his drinking was at its worst, the only thing that kept him from suicide was the thought he’d never be able to have another one.
I was feeling pretty shit. Like I had cancer and didn’t know it, or was about to lose my mind. Ever feel that way? Like you have cancer, and don’t know it, or are about to lose your mind? And I couldn’t get that song out of my head.
The notes and sketches were without exception more interesting than the final product.
Why bother? Self defense is by its very nature unconvincing.
You’ve done your market research and you’ve ended up with your great big pile of shit.
The film was an odd amalgam of ridiculously beautiful and just plain ridiculous. In places, I wept. When the credits began to roll, half the audience erupted in laughter.
Whether nothing matters, or everything matters, it matters.
Few people are cruel enough to say what they’re thinking.
The way forward: Simply Be Exhausted.