The workings of mathematics, never fathomable, in the middle of the night became a source of terror.

The manicured grounds masked an eroding social fabric.

A world held together by duct tape and magical thinking.

When someone tells you ‘it is what it is’,
what they really mean is ‘fuck you.’

I was feeling pretty shit. Like I had cancer and didn’t know it, or was about to lose my mind. Ever feel that way? Like you have cancer, and don’t know it, or are about to lose your mind? And I couldn’t get that song out of my head.

On a good day you add up to about a quarter of an actual adult human being.
(Long exhale) Could be worse. Not so bad. Better than I expected.

Everything is of its time. How glorious; what a pity.

In all those years I never came close to pulling it off. But I won’t stop trying—and failing massively—to the end.

The species had evolved a highly athletic technique of depositing, almost contemptuously, startlingly vivid droppings on vertical surfaces.

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